Mel, welcome
to the Keira’s Corner, where it’s always hot, and panties, underwear and any
clothing for that matter are optional.
Keira: You have a story coming
out soon though Hellfire Publishing entitled ‘Adversarius, Shadow of the Rose, Book One’. What is that about?
Mel: Well, it’s about a long
standing war between two kingdoms and what one of the ruling families is
willing to do for peace. A marriage is arranged between the only heir of one
kingdom to the daughter of the other. Problem is, the man’s father refuses to
allow the union and orders an attack on the intended bride. She ends up losing
her memory and it seems like the whole world tries to help get her home where
she belongs.
Keira: Is writing your only
Mel: No. I have an Associate’s
Degree in Advertising Art. So, I like to draw when I have the supplies and
opportunity. I am doing character drawings for my books. I’m also pretty
skilled in people. In general, that is. I’ve worked customer service for almost
20 years and have learned to read people well. I use that in my writing when
creating characters. I also love to cook/bake.
Keira: Where in the Hell did you
find time to write?
Mel: I wish I could tell you!
I have a great deal of time in the long winters of Alaska. I think if I didn’t
have internet or my imagination, I’d go stir crazy. Picture ‘The Shining’...
Keira: Why are you a writer?
Mel: I love books. I love
fantasy in particular. I have always enjoyed writing down little stories since
I was a teenager and worked on some fan-fic with a friend. I knew, though, I
had my own story inside me and over the years, I have had dozens of ideas and
no patience to work on just one at a time. But I did!
Keira: Please share a particular
detail about one of characters, please.
Mel: The pyrate in my books,
Sorcha Lilanthroe, is actually based on my pirate persona from the SCA.
(Society for Creative Anachronism) It is a medieval recreation group that has
chapters all over the world. You have to research your name and device (coat of
arms) and submit them to the College of Heralds. Everyone’s name and device
should be unique (if possible) but also needs to be a name from the era you
have chosen. You also have to research your history and come up with a viable
story. My persona is Sorcha MacGregor from 17th century Scotland,
who turned pirate.
Keira: What advice would you give
to an unpublished writer?
Mel: Hmm... I would say,
write, write and re-write. When you think you’ve got it all polished up and
pretty, edit it again. Don’t give up! If you choose to go the route of becoming
a self-published author, spend the money on an editor. It is worth every penny
and your book will stand out that much more!
Let’s get personal…
Keira: What is your guilty
Mel: Guilty pleasure... I’d
have to say Slippery Nipples...
The drink! Buttershots,
Bailey’s Irish Cream and milk. Mmm!!
Keira: What is your favorite
Mel: Easy! The smell of rain
before a storm in the desert.
Keira: What is your favorite
favorite animal?
Mel: Wolves, hands down. I
have a wolf tattoo on my right ankle.
Keira: Can you tell us a secret?
Mel: Not much of a secret, but not something very well known, either. Don’t know what this will do to my sales, but I failed English all through high school. ~Blushes~ I had the skills and the knowledge. My teachers even encouraged me to write, but I just didn’t apply myself.
Keira: Can you share your blurb
with us?
Mel: Of course.

Two kingdoms, two goals.
The king of Relavia is determined to wipe out his warring
neighbors in Paridzule, a worthy adversary for over five hundred years. News of
an arranged marriage between his son and the daughter of his lifelong enemy has
fueled the temper of Relavia's tyrannical king. What he doesn't realize is the
true measure of his son's honor and how far he is willing to go to gain peace.
can find Melissa Chesley at:
can find Adversarius, Shadow of the Rose: Book One at:
soon!) Keira: I can't wait!
Keira Kroft
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