Shaken not stirred.
Many cocktail recipes call for the ingredients to be shaken
using a cocktail shaker. Of all the cocktail preparations, shaking is by far
the most enjoyable and entertaining for you and your guests. Shaking is a
simple technique that, with a little practice and by following a few tips,
you'll master in no time. Once you get your personal shaking style down your
cocktails will emerge crisp, cool and concentrated.
Here's How:
1. Place ice cubes in the shaker first. This will chill the
shaker and cool the liquids as you add them.
2. Use 5-6 ice cubes for one drink.
3. When making two drinks at once use less ice to make room
in the shaker.
4. Don't overfill the shaker. Give the ingredients plenty of
room to move around.
5. Shake most drinks vigorously to a slow count of ten.
6. Shake drinks longer and harder that have many ingredients
or ingredients that don't mix well such as eggs or cream.
7. Shake to a rhythm. Hum a tune and shake to the beat.
8. Shake frozen or blended drinks like daiquiris and coladas
with crushed ice.
9. Don't add fruit to the shaker. Instead add it to the
glass after straining.
What You Need
•Cocktail Shaker
•Ice Cubes
•Spirits, Liqueurs and Mixers as called for in the recipe
•Strainer (If using a Boston Shaker)
Now that you have your shaker skillz, down it’s time to test
your work.
1 oz vodka
1/2 oz triple sec
1/2 oz Rose's® lime juice
1/2 oz cranberry juice
Shake vodka, triple sec, lime and cranberry juice vigorously
in a shaker with ice. Strain into a martini glass, garnish with a lime wedge on
the rim, and serve.
Olive Martini
1 oz dry gin
1 oz sweet vermouth1 oz olive juice
Pour the dry gin, sweet vermouth and olive brine into a
cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a chilled
cocktail glass, and serve.
Shaker Drink
1 1/2 oz tequila
3 oz pineapple juice1/2 oz lemon juice
1/2 tsp grenadine syrup
Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with
ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.
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