Friday, May 4, 2012

Fantasy week, right here.

My very first Six Sentence Sunday will be the perfect way to kick of Fantasy week right here on The Fireplace. Where it’s always hot and you’ll never know what’s going to happen :) Oh, and panties are optional. All clothing is...really.

 What’s fantasy week?


As a writer and publishing company owner I encourage and help you to indulge in your fantasies. Let’s face it we all have them. Each day this week we are going to discuss a fantasy. This will be a tie in between my daily FB question and The Fireplace.

Monday: Daily GTKY question: What movie character or star do you wish you were?

Tuesday: Daily GTKY question: What book character do you wish you were?

Wednesday: Daily GTKY question: What TV show character do you wish you were?

Thursday: Daily GTKY question: What does your fantasy life look like?

Friday: Daily GTKY question: Who is your hot fantasy guy or gal? I have a list :) Please only characters or actors, actresses. Not anyone you know personally.

Saturday: GTKY question: What is your ultimate fantasy?

And hopefully six sentence Sunday again :)

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