Friday, December 14, 2012

Screaming Snowflakes

Welcome to Christmas on Keira’s Corner. We will be discussing everything this month from Holiday movies to TV specials and everything in between and I will also have featured books.

Interview between Keira Kroft and Amber
Welcome to Keira’s Corner, where there is always chocolate, and lots and lots of coffee. Thank you for the warm welcome. Great to connect with a fellow coffee fiend!

Keira: The second edition of your debut novel was released this week. What is the book about?
It’s a dark tale and the first part of a three book saga. The epitome of darkness falls in love with a mortal and the book charts the progress of the unlikely couple as they bond, fall in love and overcome obstacles in this Gothic romance with a supernatural twist.

Keira: What do you wear, to write? It totally depends what mood I’m in and what scene I’m writing. I know I sound kooky, but if I’m writing a dark chapter, I’ll wear my black skinny jeans and black polo. If I’m writing a fun, romantic bit, I’ll wear a flouncy dress. But I’ll always, always wear my heels (Nine West nude heels and Vivienne Westwood wedges are the usual suspects)!

Keira: Is writing your only talent? I think so! Although I also dabble in PR.

Keira: Where in the Hell did you find time to write? When I first started writing, I’d arise at 4:45am (HELL for a night owl like me), fit in an hour of writing first thing, go out and do my 9:00am – 5:30pm, return home and resume writing. Now, I juggle like crazy, with a part-time job, freelance writing and everything else in between. I hear people complain all the time that they don’t have the time to write. If you want to do something badly enough, you’ll make time. Simple.

Keira: Why are you a writer? It’s a part of me. I can’t imagine not writing. I write because I love creating something out of nothing. I love giving the characters in my head airspace – this may sound a little odd, but writers out there will probably get what I mean.

Keira: If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor? Aung San Suu Kyi would be amazing. That lady is astute, intelligent and has the patience of a saint; I could learn a lot from her.

Keira: How many hours a day do you dedicate to writing? It varies from project to project, but at the moment, I write a minimum of three hours each day. I write whenever I have a free moment. That means I always have my trusty notepad and pen to hand. Although I am on the lookout for a tablet, to make writing in transit easier.

Keira: Do you use a particular writing method? I have two main methods; writing in a crowded café and in the quiet solitude of my home. A whole chunk of Screaming Snowflakes was written in various coffee shops (thank you Rhode Island and Starbucks)! The darker parts of the book were written at home. When writing indoors, I sit at my clear desk, have Classic FM playing in the background (or anything by Michael Nyman or Alexandre Desplat) and I’m all set for a solid writing sesh.

Keira: What time of day, do you write best? I’m a night owl and find myself coming alive in the evening. I have been known to write till three / four am, I just love writing at night!

Keira: Do you use one or more pen names? No pen names at the moment, but I’m contemplating using a pen-name if I dabble in different genres. I’m currently co-writing a book with another writer-friend, another YA novel (it’s a genre which I seem to enjoy)! I had an idea earlier this evening inspired by an advert I happened to see on TV, so who knows, I may use a pen-name for that. Watch this space!

Keira: Please share a particular detail about one of characters, please. Raphael is the main male protagonist in Screaming Snowflakes. He is Eleanor’s love interest and has a supernatural secret which is literally out of this world. He’s something of a paradox, because although he is named after an archangel, he is evil at heart, the brooding anti-hero reminiscent of Marlon Brando embodying disaffected youth and rebellion. Raphael has some mind-boggling super-powers and plays a mean game of chess too.

Keira: What advice would you give to an unpublished writer? In this digital age, a literary agent and publishing house are not imperative. I eschewed a publishing contract and decided to self-publish via Amazon. Anyone can do it, if they put their heart and soul into it. Seriously. Just one thing – write, write and write like there’s no tomorrow!

Keira: Did you always know you wanted to be a writer or was there something else you wanted to do as a career? I’ve always been a voracious reader and enjoyed writing since my student days (my degree was in English Literature and Creative Writing). I’ve worked in diverse industries, from fashion, local government and energy, but writing has always been my first love. If I wasn’t a writer, I would probably be doing something else creative, a chef of some sort perhaps?

Keira: Is there one author that you have read every book that they have written? Yes, Agatha Christie. She is my guru. Also, I’m a little bit in love with Hercule Poirot (it’s those little grey cells that do it for me).

Keira: In your opinion what is the best movie adaptation of a book that you've read? The Hunger Games wins hands down.  

Keira: When you are browsing book stores what is the first section you go to?

I work my way from the front to the back of the store, because I like to know what’s going on in different genres. Waterstones is my second home, so I usually head upstairs, grab a take-out coffee and browse the shelves steaming hot latte in hand. And because I write YA fiction, I spend the bulk of time in that section.

Keira: If your book was being made into a movie do you already have actors in mind for each role? I am currently working on the screenplay (I adapted one chapter of the novel into a screenplay which was showcased at The Bolton Octagon Theatre earlier this year). I imagine scenes being played out fluidly in my mind and I’m really enjoying writing for a different medium. I already have actors in mind; Johnny Depp would be exceptional as Lucifer. Depp has that rare quality of being quietly belligerent with edgy cool and I’m writing Lucifer’s role with Depp in mind. Aleesha Dixon would make a stunning Eleanor; the character is eighteen, but I think Aleesha’s youthful good looks would ensure she made the role her own. I’d love for Douglas Booth to play Raphael, but suspect he’s too perfect – does that make sense..? I’m still on the look-out for Raphael, although I envisage a young mean and moody Sean Connery.

Keira: When you're creating characters do you incorporate traits from people you know? I think that’s only natural. When that happens, I’m very careful to change the names of the person who inspired me. The last thing I want to do is cause offence..!

Keira: If you had the chance to have a sit down with any author alive or deceased who would it be and why? It would have to be Richard Branson. I would love to climb into his head and find out what inspires him and why he thinks the way he does. The guy is a total genius.
Lets get Personal...
Keira: What is your favorite food? It depends what mood I’m in, but at the moment, it’s Franca’s Tiger Tomatoes (this beyond gorgeous relish). I’m a sucker for Tampopo’s Green Thai Curry too.

Keira: What is your guilty Pleasure? I’ll sometimes listen to the Spice Girls. Yes, I was a fan back in the day and I’m stoked that the musical will be imminently released.

Keira: What is your favorite Smell? Freshly baked bread is up there. Hermes Eau De Mervailles is my favorite perfume.

Keira: If you could change one your physical feature? Would you? What would it be? I’ve finally made my peace with God with the way I look. I wouldn’t change anything about myself. I’m happy and content! J

Keira: What is your favorite color? Teal. It’s that vibrant mixture of green and petrol blue that I love so much.

Keira: What is your favorite day of the week? It used to be Saturday, but because I now do a lot of freelance work, I don’t usually distinguish between weekends and weekdays. Sorry for the rambling answer, but I’d say I like all days of the week equally! Sorry, is that a boring answer..? J

Keira: What is your favorite animal? I’d love to own a Samoyed one day because they’re such gorgeous creatures. Either that or a tiger cub.

Keira: Do you have pets? I’ve never had a pet, but I will do in the near future. Maybe at the end of 2013..? That gives me a year to get properly used to the idea.

Keira: What do you consider a household staple? Coffee from They’re this really cool online company that provides bespoke coffee. Yes, they send you freshly roasted, totally scrummy coffee. Heaven.

Keira: What are you reading? I’m an ardent book juggler. I’m reading Val McDermid, Shakespeare, Shelly Crane, Richard Branson and Dale Carnegie.

Keira: Can you share your blurb with us? Yes, here it is below:
Swirling alcohol around the glass, Lucifer remained silent for a few moments. He continued with a slick smile, ‘Raphael. You have to tell her about yourself. Once she knows, she won’t want to be near you.’

Fresh from a break-up, the thoughtful and witty Eleanor moves half-way across the country to study at King’s College University in London. Staying in her recently deceased great great grandmother’s house, Eleanor knows there is more to the crumbling property when she discovers a mysterious locked room. A century old tragic secret risks being unearthed by Eleanor, who reluctantly settles into her new surroundings.
Eleanor is the antithesis of the rebellious Raphael, whose damned and tainted soul threatens her very existence. Unseen supernatural forces conspire to keep the lovers apart, yet nothing can harm Eleanor as she remains under Raphael’s protection. As the boundaries of good and evil become blurred and transgression becomes inevitable, this gripping, thought provoking tale will engage all who have ever questioned love and humanity.

With an unprecedented alliance between a human and the epitome of darkness can a pure, forbidden love conquer all?

100,000 words.

You can find Amber Tesia at

You can find Screaming Snowflakes at:
Happy Holidays!

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